Saturday 12 May 2018

Rescripting the Nigerian Education Experience

Copyright © 2018 Seyifunmi Meg Ricketts

My own version of open letter to every Nigerian.

Like it or not, Nigeria's future is currently in its classrooms.

When we were growing up, and by growing up I mean, when we were in our pre-teens / teens years, the system told us we were the leaders of tomorrow.

3decades after, myself and many of my age group are still wondering when "the" tomorrow will come , we are still waiting for where or what we were meant to lead.

One of us said they lied to us. Another person joked that perhaps they changed the keys.

But truth is, they neither lied to us nor changed the keys.
They just didn't prep us for life outside the four walls of formal education.

They didn't prepare us to take our place in the dynamic cycle of life.

They didn't show us how to create tangible services and values to our society.

They didn't teach us how to convert knowledge to skills neither did they show us how to position ourselves for market place relevance.

They didn't even tell us that the primary reason for our 16 years of education was so we could mature into productive citizens with active roles in the society .

Look where it got us, a society littered with unprocessed talents. Even companies complain that most of our graduates are unemployable.

I could almost say we ran for nothing.

And before you point fingers at the successful ones, i can assure you that every Nigerian millennial who currently has a voice in the society personally went in pursuit of relevant knowledge that would make him a high flyer.

He dared to soar against the tides of the system although he had to take the pain to first unlearn what 16years of stuffing had done to him. He chose the path of self discovery.

Now lets take a cursory look at the present day classrooms, what exactly do you see?

If you have the futuristic eyes of a trained teacher like me, you'd see the future sitting on the chairs being stuffed with information he probably won't use or need except to pass some sets of standidized tests.

Why raise another set of young people most of whom are clueless about the future they are preparing for.

You could argue that the environment is limiting our potentials to soar, but I'd tell you for free that a bird who knows how to fly will never stay on the ground for long.

My point - let's begin by teaching the hatchlings how to fly.

What's the solution !
let's stop wailing by the rivers of Babylon, weeping and longing for Zion. Let's create our own Zion.

How ?
By running against time on time to fix time.

Simply put : l recommend we change the process, it's time to prepare the emerging generation for 21st century market place by grooming them into solution providers.

For this, I wrote a book.
In my new book , I highlighted 10breeds of students our schools must start grooming and I also proffered practical steps on how to.

Right now, my goal is to distribute 100,000 copies of this book to 100,000 Nigerian students before the end of the 3rd quarter of this year.


A copy of the book cost 1,000naira each.

I call on every Nigerian ; Educators, Parents, celebrities, influencers, Religious-leaders, Public-servants, Religious institutions,Cooperate bodies, Political office holders, everyone.

While we run for a new Nigeria, let's not forget to raise the upcoming new Nigerians.

To support this project kindly place a call or Whatsapp message to 08082817697

Email :
Thank you in anticipation.

I will be dropping details and updates on all my social media handles
( Twitter, Facebook, Instagram)

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